Adopting Children from China - Jeni Hopewell (Episode #16)

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Meet Jeni.

Mother of six children, two of which she adopted from China. She's creative, musical, organized, goes with her mama gut, has the biggest heart and has no idea how wonderful she really is. Listen to her remarkable story below!

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Our GIVEAWAY this week has been sponsored by Will and Fox! I just had my Will and Fox reusable swim diapers arrive from Amazon a couple weeks ago, and I have been loving them at our trips to the pool! For this GIVEAWAY the winner will receive a free swim diaper as well as a swim headband (that comes with ear plugs)!! All you have to do is head over to our podcast on your Apple Podcasts app (iTunes), or Stitcher app and give us a rating and a review. We'd love it if you would also subscribe (always free!!) so you don't miss any of our episodes. Here is a little tutorial on how to do that on your Apple Podcasts app.

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