Family Finances Refresher!! with Hilary Nielsen (Episode #179)

Family finances can often be a source of stress, frustration and desperation for many different reasons. We are determined to help you change that!

Today we have on Hilary Nielsen @MomHandlesTheMoney to hold our hand, get us on the best track for our families, and baby step our way to financial freedom. She speaks to big and small budgets, and has some awesome tips to help all of us give our money matters a little refresh!

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Show Notes:

Where is a good place to start when we are managing our family finances?

Start with a budget!

What if I have a variable income? The money coming into our family is different every month. How do I manage that?

  • First step is to just start writing down your money in and your money out each week

  • Take 30 mins on a Sunday (or whichever day is best for you) to go through your receipts.

  • You need to build historical data. You are creating your own personal cash dashboard

  • As you go through the months, notice where you are at. You can start to see where the lean times are and the months you may have extra. Make some averages.

save money meal planning! See our tips below:

Where can you find more from Hilary Nielsen:

Instagram: @MomHandlestheMoney

Money Management Blueprint - A step by step guide made for busy moms wearing all the hats and no time to spare. Go to sleep at night knowing you've covered all your bases and haven't left any precious futures to chance.

Money Management Dashboard - See EXACTLY where your money should go

What you'll get:

  • Step by step instructions will walk you through the simple template so that you have a personalized dashboard month after month 

  • Customized graphs to SHOW you how to allocate your money each month between monthly expenses, emergency fund savings, college savings, retirement savings, and more!

  • Peace of mind that your money has a plan and is being put to work at its highest and best use. 

Check out some of our recent episodes below:

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