5 Important Areas to Focus on When Selling Your Home (Episode #175)

Are you feeling overwhelmed at getting your house ready to sell? Or are you feeling like your home needs a little facelift and you’re not sure where to start? Today’s guest, Tammy Goolsby, owner and realtor of Team Goolsby Real Estate is on our podcast to get you going in the right direction.

On this episode Tammy tells us the 5 important tips to make our homes more appealing to buyers, she gives us a list of rooms prioritized from the most important, provides moving tips, and even shares with us some fun fall traditions she has with her family.

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Show Notes:

5 Important Areas to Focus on When Selling Your Home:

  1. Cleanliness!!

    This is more important than upgrades. Get your home shining clean. People don’t want to move into other people’s messes.

  2. Become a minimalist

    Get your closets down to 50-70% capacity. This will make your life so much easier after you are in escrow and have much less to do to get packed up just before you move.

  3. Hire the right agent

    What you are looking for in an agent: experience, someone you can trust and confide in, ambitious, will be your advocate, has your best interest at heart, knows your market well, has the expertise for your unique situation

    If you need more guidance on what questions to ask when interviewing an agent, reach out to Tammy. She is more than happy to help!

  4. Listen to the experts

    Do the simple little things that make your home sell such as staging, or not hanging onto your favorite color on the walls that may not appeal to a variety of buyers.

    Thousands of dollars are left on the table everyday because people let their emotions get in the way.

    Nobody wants to move into your home, they want to move into their home.

  5. Curb Appeal

    When you are selling your home and approach the front door, how do you feel? Is it an appealing color? You want to make it as beautiful as you can with out being stark or shocking. Your focus should be the front door.

    Make it memorable with a simple wreath, cobwebs and dirt swept away. Plant fresh flowers, fertilize the lawn.

    Emotion is huge. How does it feel?

Moving tips!

Sell everything you can. We tend to get emotionally attached to things and stuff. Many items tend to get damaged in the moving process. Part with as much as you can and get what you like when you get there.

Have your realtor help you get the right contacts for your move as well as your house sale.

What rooms should you focus on most?

These rooms are ranked in priority, number one being the most important:

  1. Curb Appeal - you need to get them in the door

  2. Kitchen - It’s the heart of the home!

  3. Great Room - This is where families are making memories. Make sure it is clean and tidy

  4. Master Bedroom & Master bath- make it dreamy and a place you really want to be in

  5. Secondary bath

Simplify! Less is more

When we have less to clutter our lives our connections are deeper. The memories we make with our family are more cherished and there is less to burden us down. Simplify all the ways you can. Simplify your calendar, simplify your possessions, simplify your budget! You will see what a blessing it is in your life and that less really is so much more.

Fun Fall Tradition:

The Night of the Gourd Dinner

During the month of October, Tammy, her family and some of their close friends gather for a dinner to celebrate the harvest. They have a night where all the foods they eat are some type of squash or gourd - something from the harvest. Think pumpkins, butternut squash, etc.

They have enjoyed simple things like pumpkin ice cream all the way to more exotic dishes like butternut curry.

Their family loves this opportunity to gather to remember the bounty the Lord has blessed them with, as well as celebrate the abundance on this earth. This is also an alternative way to celebrate if you aren’t a big fan of the other holidays in the fall.

Check out Our Top 3 Favorite Pumpkin Recipes HERE!!

Where you can find Realtor tammy Goolsby:

Website: teamgoolsbyrealestate.com

Facebook: TammyGoolsbyrealestate

Instagram: @TammyGoolsbyRealEstate

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