Volunteering with Search and Rescue Teams

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I have spent a lot of time reflecting on how grateful I am for our medical workers, policemen, fire fighters, military and other public servants as this COVID 19 crisis has covered the world. On our podcast this week, I want to honor those who also work on the front lines that often go unnoticed: Search and Rescue Teams. Did you know these teams not only jump in to work at a moment’s notice, but they are volunteers! They have hours and hours of training they have to go through just to be part of the team.

I had the privilege of chatting with a dear friend, Darla Staker, this week who has worked for years not only on a ground pounding unit, but also in a mounted unit with her horses. She has the biggest heart and such incredible experiences. I can’t wait for you to hear from her.

Pop in those head phones while you’re off on a walk, working on a home project, or wiping down the house for the 100th time this week! Listen through the link below, or through your favorite podcast app.

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Hillary Hess1 Comment