Making Time to Chase Your Dreams

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Do you have a dream you haven’t realized because you feel like you can never find the time? I feel like I have a million!! I feel like there are tons of things I’d love to accomplish but never feel like I have the bandwidth to do it. This is why I love our guest so much this week. She tells us how to make time to chase those dreams!!

Meet Author: Cindy Gunderson. Cindy is a mom of four from Colorado. Cindy just started her writing career about a year ago and has already written SEVEN books!! Listen to how she makes the time to write, how she has gotten her whole family on board and what fun books she’s got in the works.

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Show Notes:

Cindy Gunderson had never planned on being an author. She had always enjoyed writing, but never saw herself as writing books. Then one day in January 2019, Cindy had a very vivid dream. The dream stayed with her, so her husband told her she needed to write it down. She was so excited to see where the story would go, she ended up using this dream as part of her first book, which only took her 3 weeks to write the first draft!

Cindy revised her draft and started working with publishers. The publishers liked her story, but told her in order for them to sell, she needed to heat it up and add some spicy adult content. Cindy’s whole goal was to provide meaningful, clean, uplifting literature, so this was horrible news to her. This was the point when she made the decision to self publish.

Cindy continued to write. She wrote four books in a year’s time and has another that is about ready to come out.

Finding time to write was a big learning curve. She has a full life: homeschooling her 4 children, teaching music, and serving actively in her church community, among other things. Something had to go.

Cindy decided the first thing she would sacrifice would be her TV watching time. She began devoting her evenings to writing. She also would write while she was waiting for her kids at their activities. Since she was writing as much as she could in small snatches of time, she learned to make good notes of where she was in her story so she was able to find her place quickly and not have to back track every time she started back up. She found that three hour blocks of time were the most productive.

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For aspiring authors:

Figure out what your goal is - write a personal mission statement to guide you and keep you on track.

Cindy’s mission statement: To bring light, goodness, understanding, and compassion through storytelling. 

Where to find more about Cindy and her books: (for my children's books. Eventually there will be more, this one was just a fun project with my daughter about quarantine)

Cindy also runs a podcast with her husband, Scott: Our Weekly Chat  

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Books: The first four are out and available now, the next three are preorders for release later this year (starting in July!). 

Tier 1:

Tier 2:

Tier 3:

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The New Year’s Party:

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