Creating a Meaningful Identity (Episode #119)

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It is such an honor to have Jenny and Joe Furse come on our podcast to talk about how to create meaningful identities. They explain how more than being happy, we need to have more meaning in our lives and set boundaries. Joe and Jenny host a podcast and blog: @ofprogressandpurpose . They give us some journal prompts to help us to discover more about ourselves so that we may better choose how we are going to react to different situations.

Listen through the link below or in your favorite podcast app. Scroll down for show notes.

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Show notes:

Jenny and Joe talk about how to create meaningful identities. They explain how more than being happy, we need to have more meaning in our lives. Today’s episode is part 1 of 2. We get to learn even more from them next week about self confidence!!

Today Joe and Jenny give us some journal prompts to help us with our own identities:

  1. Make a list of your family or individual values. The first step to understanding other people is to understand ourselves. Once you have done this you can create meaningful boundaries with these values. When your boundaries mean something to you, then you’re going to enforce it.

  2. Brain dump!! When I feel uncomfortable or upset, I do this _________. What are you knee jerk reactions under pressure? Knowing yourself helps you be able to choose how you want to respond when something happens in your life.


  1. What is your favorite food or meal?

    Joe: Meat

    Jenny: Ice cream

  2. Best trip you’ve ever been on or dream vacation:


    Hiking and camping in Southern Utah

  3. Homemaking Hack?

    Build forts to keep your kids busy

    Always keep one space clean in your home just for you to go sit and breath in

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Where you can find more from Joe & Jenny Furse:

Social Media: @ofprogressandpurpose

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