Preparedness in Parenting (Episode #152)

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Jessie Hopkins found herself in a stressful situation when one of her toddlers had a really bad case of RSV. They went to the ER, and ended up being emergency transported and admitted to a hospital that was a far distance from their home. She had to make a long drive back and forth to her home in the middle of the night for a change of clothes and other essential items. It was a horrible time for her to be away from her little child in such an exhaustive state.

Through this traumatizing experience, she realized she wanted to be more prepared for future emergencies and even frustrating circumstances that just happen as a mom. She put together kits, that stay in her car, with a change of clothes for each member of her family. She has many other brilliant items she keeps in her car that we discuss during this episode. Scroll down to get her free printable list!

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Show Notes:

Find Jessie on Instagram: Jessie (@seek_learning) • Instagram photos and videos

Jessie’s Car Checklist:

Check out Jessie’s Etsy shop!! She is really good at doing sensory play with her kids and has made a bunch of different bins for sale! Etsy shop:

Jessie’s Answers to our Helpful and Happy Questions:

  1. What is your favorite food or meal? Pizza

  2. What was your favorite trip or dream vacation? Going to Europe with her music program to be at a harp festival

  3. Do you have a homemaking hack for us? I got little pictures of all the meals I like to make and put them on magnets. The kids then get to pick out a few, we put them on the fridge and that is what we eat that week!! BRILLIANT!!

We love pizza too!! Here are some of our favorite family pizza recipes:

Homemade Hawaiian Pizza

Pizza Bites

 Pizza Roll Ups

Mini Cheese Pizzas with Homemade Crust

French Bread Pizza Sandwiches

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