Learning about Yourself through Yoga and Meditation (Episode #92)

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Army Wife, Dani Enkey, teaches us about her need to rediscover herself as her husband was embarking on a new career in the army. Dani teaches us about how she rediscovered herself through yoga and meditation.

Dani is the mother to 4 beautiful children, is a cosmetologist, blogger, certified yoga instructor and aspiring public speaker. Her mission is to encourage women to realize that their worth is limitless!

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Show notes !!!

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More about Dani…

Dani and her husband were high school sweet hearts!! How fun is that?? After the birth of her 4th child, she began to realize she didn’t know herself very well anymore. She set out on a mission to figure out who she was and to get reacquainted.

Dani wrote down 20 questions she would ask someone she admires and then she answered them herself. She asked herself things like:

Do I like listening to Disney music when I’m driving in the car with my kids, or would I rather introduce them to something else that I enjoy? What are my favorite movies? Favorite color? Where would I like to travel? What energizes me? What motivates or empowers me? What are some of my favorite podcasts?

She discovered that yoga and meditation were her favorite ways to give herself some self care.

Benefits of Yoga:

1 deep breath in yoga equals 3 regular breaths

It’s time away in her own space

Her yoga mat is a safe space

She receives spiritual and mental benefits

Tips about Meditation:

10 minutes is a good place to start. 20 minutes is an ideal time to work up to- or even longer if you want!

Led to amazing birthing experiences (hypno-birthing)

Guided meditation apps she likes: Expectful (for motherhood- they have a fatherhood version, too) and Insight Timer for general meditation.

Dani’s morning routine:

  1. drink water

  2. meditation

  3. yoga

  4. scriptures/prayer

For more about Dani:

Instagram: @a.day.with.dani

Check out her website: adaywithdani.com

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