Supporting and Loving Teenagers (Episode #93)

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Kristen Duke is a wife, mother, podcaster, blogger and photographer who lives in Austin, Texas. She is proclaiming this year as the Year of the Teenager! She is talking to us today all about different ways we can love and support our teens, and what has worked in her family to build strong relationships.

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Kristen is declaring the year 2020 as the year of the teenager! If you don’t have a teenager, go find one to mentor! She is urging everyone to preserve their relationships with their teens to smooth out some of the friction.

She has some t- shirts “we were all teenagers once” that also have some fabulous words that are subtly in the background of ways we can strengthen our relationship with our teen: be soft, gentle, respectful, defend, safeguard, shield, save, inspire, comfort, courage, validate, empathize

How can we change our narrative with our own teenagers?

Listen and validate! Book Kristen loves: How to talk so kids will listen, how to listen so kids will talk? Listen more than you talk.

Finding ways to connect- especially ways that don’t require talking. Going out for ice cream, doing Tic Tok dances together, talk with them about what video games they like to play. Everyone likes to talk about what they love.

Family dinners- make time to sit down and talk together and enjoy each other’s company with out an agenda.

Don’t talk in the moment when they do something disrespectful. Talk about it later when you are both calmed down. Don’t say calm down, but when things are calm, have that intentional conversation. If we can apologize to them first, it sets an example to them that they can admit their faults, too. As you show humility and let them know you aren’t perfect, they are more likely to give grace to you. It puts us more on the same level.

We are here to help teens navigate rough waters. Share moments with them about when you were a teen.

Where you can find more about Kristen:

Instagram: @KristenDukeChats

The Fist Bump Podcast - for teens

Beyond Good Intentions


Helpful and Happy Questions for Kristen:

  1. Favorite trip she’s been on: Ghana!! Dream trip: Ireland

  2. Favorite food: Oatmeal - yum!! (Grab our Chocolate Chip PB Oatmeal recipe here!)

  3. Homemaking Hack- sprinkle the floor with little dots of dawn detergent, get a towel a little wet and shuffle all over the floor with your feet to get a nice good scrub

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