5 Tips to Calm Anxiety to Better Feel the Spirit (Episode #144)

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Do you ever get anxious that you aren’t enough, and that you’re not doing enough? I do!! Do you feel like your anxiety keeps you from hearing the Spirit whisper to you? This definitely happens to me.

I have some help and hope for us!! On today’s episode we get to hear from Niki Olsen, Licensed Clinical Mental Health Therapist & Coach, about how anxiety can interfere with you hearing the spirit and 5 ways to calm your anxiety.

We also get to here all about Niki's new podcast- Meaningful Minutes!!

Listen below or through your favorite podcast app!

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Show Notes:

Niki has a brand new podcast: Meaningful Minutes!! YAY!!! Here’s a bit more about Niki and all that she offers!!

Niki Olsen is a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Therapist and coach who uses mental health skills and a spiritual perspective to reduce anxiety, overwhelm and guilt in women by enriching their connection to themselves and God. The Meaningful Minutes podcast aims to help busy Latter-day Saint women learn simple actionable tools to feel more confident in their efforts toward spiritual growth, more inspired and closer to the spirit in 10 minutes or less.

Tips to Calm Anxiety and Hear the Spirit:

Anxiety is loud and it affects our mind and ability to feel the spirit. Anxiety creates a lot of clutter and keeps the body from being peaceful and still.

  1. Engage your 5 Senses - feel, smell, listen, see, taste

  2. Move Your Body - when you go outside to exercise, it’s a double whammy!! You’re engaging your 5 senses plus getting exercise

  3. Reach out for help. Professional support often times has a stigma. Don’t be afraid to reach out! Professionals are trained to help you get better. You will be taught skills and tools to get anxiety under control.

  4. Practicing Meditation- There are different types of meditation. The type Niki recommends is to use your senses. Practice using your senses when you’re not stressed, and practice while you’re doing something. For example: practice while you’re brushing your teeth - think about how to toothpaste tastes, how the bristles feel on your teeth, how the water feels, how the floor feels under your feet. You can practice while you are driving, every time you touch your cell phone, eating, drinking water, just use your senses during your activities.

  5. Accept Anxiety. Anxiety is motivating, but you need to be able to manage it. You don’t want to get to a place where you never feel anxious, that is a feeling that can be helpful. Shift your focus, instead of trying to stop it from coming, decide what you are going to do with it when it comes.

Click here for Niki’s Outline for Seeking Personal Revelation - I have used and followed this and can’t recommend it enough!! It’s amazing!!

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Other podcasts we’ve had with Niki:

How to Receive Personal Revelation in Your Daily Life (Episode #78)

Parenting Kids with ADHD (Episode #91)

The Mom Break Announcement (Episode #106)

How to Have More Self Compassion with Niki Olsen (Episode #116)

Where to find more from Niki:

Website: nikiolsencoaching.com

Instagram: @nikiolsencoaching

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